Out of the rubbish dump and into the classroom

Turning lives around is the message from Team Vista in its ‘Made in Tanzania Art Exhibition’ fundraising event. Australian born Caroline Collier is on a mission to reach out to underprivileged women and children in Moshi, Tanzania by helping them become independent and more capable of looking after themselves.

During a volunteering assignment in Moshi, Caroline spent time with a community who seemed to be living and working on a rubbish dump. She was horrified that many children spent their time working on the dump, rather than attending school, and decided to do something about it by forming the Team Vista organisation in January 2009 with two teachers from Sydney.

Initially, its sole purpose was to engage with vulnerable single women and children of the community, and  help them to achieve self-reliance. Since then the organisation’s projects have grown to encompass different aspect in the lives of the people of Moshi, and there are currently 5 such projects underway:

  • A Nursery School which has approximately 40 children aged 4-13, split into morning and afternoon classes. The school teaches English, Math, Kiswahili and Geography.
  • Together with the local Upendo Artists Organisation, Team Vista has trained a group of women to make batik (a hand dyed material) from which they make clothing products. Previously the women, from the Kaloleni area, were scavenging on the rubbish dump daily to find things to sell to make a living and provide for their families. Now Team Vista purchases the batik products at a fair trade price and brings them to Australia to sell at events and markets.  The money raised is reinvested into materials and equipment for this venture.
  • Team Vista has opened an Adult Education centre for the Kaloleni community in Moshi and since then 2 classes have successfully graduated with recognised certificates. Participants are trained in small business operation and financial management.
  • Since April 2012, Team Vista has sponsored a soccer team of some of the local unemployed men which encourages community spirit and provides a healthy outlet for the men.
  • In September 2012, Team Vista launched the first of weekly girls’ empowerment classes which the organisation believes will give the girls a better chance of escaping poverty.

Caroline is heading back to Tanzania, and is organising the ‘Made in Tanzania Art Exhibition’ fundraiser, to start more programs to improve living conditions of those less fortunate. You can help support Team Vista by attending the fundraiser.

Made in Tanzania Fundraiser Art ExhibitionMadeinTanzania_FinalPOSTER_2013_SML

WHEN: Saturday November 30, 2013 at 7pm
WHERE: Nexus Multicultural Arts Centre, Corner North Tce and Morphett St, Adelaide
TICKETS: $50 including Drinks, Canapés and Live Entertainment
TO BOOK: Visit www.teamvista.com.au/made or contact Caroline 0404 127 717 or email caroline@teamvista.com.au

Sidique is the founder of Salt Magazine. He came to Australia in 2001 after fleeing a civil war in his homeland of Sierra Leone. He studied journalism at Fourah Bay College in Sierra Leone and worked as a reporter for the Statesman Newspaper. He studied a Bachelor of Arts specialising in Multimedia Studies at the University of South Australia.


  • Reply November 21, 2013

    Jessica Snow

    Fab article – truly amazing what can be achieved in just 3 years!

  • Reply November 12, 2013


    Thanks Georgi & Sidique,
    For your wonderful support of Team Vista – it is so greatly appreciated!
    Blessings to both of you!

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