Young Zambian fashion designer Kapasa Musonda will unveil her latest garments in a prestigious event to mark the launch of Dignity Zambia at Adelaide’s Crown Plaza, on Friday 1st August commencing at 6.30 pm.
The charity cocktail party is being organised by Adelaide born Sandy Clark, who has spent a considerable part of her life in Zambia when she was in her early twenties. We spoke to her for an insight on her charity work.
It started when Sandy revisited Zambia after an absence of many years, and found her love for the country was as strong as it had ever been, but she was drawn to the plight facing some women in rural areas.
“I’m aware of lot of the gender problem happening around the world for women in a number of countries, so I decided to work with the Zambian Minister for Gender the Hon Inonge Wina on projects that would help disadvantaged women and children,” she said, “Money raised by the charity would be used for fighting poverty, provide maternal health for women and for emergency health care and education of children.
Through her charity connections, Sandy has been appointed an official fundraiser for the Zambian Government.
“I have a hospital allocated to me in the southern province working with maternal health in particular, and they’ve sent me a list of all the items they would like me to purchase. The money I raise through Dignity Zambia will be used to help women and children who are severely disadvantaged. Many will have had parents who have died of HIV Aids and they may have been caught up in child trafficking and sexual/gender abuse because they have not had the parental supervision in their lives, being left alone to look after themselves.”
Sandy has received very positive responses to her charity work, and has gathered widespread support, including from a group of Adelaide business women who will be paying her fares to and from Zambia to help facilitate her charity work.
SALT Magazine commends Sandy for her good work and encourages you to contribute to her cause by donating to Dignity Zambia. The show which will combine designer Kapasa’s fashions with Tanya Powell models is totally sold out.
For further information and donations see